NOMADOL​OGY is a Singapore-based review of literature, art and philosophy, oriented at amplifying our youth and the marginalized. We are published quarterly in the months of March, June, September and December. Our objective is to feature the best original writing which reflect our shared humanity and our vision of egalitarianism, and which boldly illuminates the most urgent ethical and personal concerns of our generation.
All writers and artists are warmly welcomed to submit.
The Nomad wanders and travels constantly. He is an incongruous being, as some may be inclined to think, because he chooses, out of his own free will, to relinquish his address.
“O! He is most aberrant and peculiar,” you say furiously. “He is not like us. Look at us all safe and confined in our homes by the fireplace, sheltered from the fiery rains and the storms. And look at him, the Nomad, shivering in the blustery winds! O, I pity him greatly.”
But NOMADOLOGY refutes this. The Nomad, in his wanderings and travels, seeks not only to gather wheat or sustenance – but to wrestle out also from the clenched, uncompromising hands of space, of sea, of land, and of sky, the meaning of his life and the meaning of his existence, of which he confidently proclaims for there to be. Why then, should such conviction and faith be pitied?
For the Nomad, there are signals that beckon to him, as invisible as they may appear to be. There are calls and there are lights. There are answers that flirt beyond the purple horizon, promising to reveal her bosom, her secrets – all in due time, baby. And so, in the meantime, he trudges onwards and towards.
The Nomad is a philocalist also, a lover of beauty. In the fiery rains and storms, he sunbathes on the beach; he imagines each raindrop to be an angel’s tear, the storm – the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, and he savors its delicate freshness and unimagined warmth. In the blustery winds, the Nomad removes his topcoat and runs topless through the country and city. People gawp; he shudders and laughs.
NOMADOLOGY believes in the grandeur of life, no matter to whom it belongs to, and believes its beauty can best be expressed eruditely through literature and art – the beauty of the big and of the small, of the tangible and the intangible, of what is past and what is to come. There is nobility in the humble rat scavenging for his cheese platter; there is fortitude and strength in the astronauts which venture into the unfamiliar. Subsequently, the Nomad celebrates life as a state in flux, and respectfully spits on the cylindrical and banal routines which itch perpetually for him. He cherishes change and embraces uncertainty like a long-lost friend.
At the end of it all, the Nomad says:
“O! I am the Nomad, and I have lived everyday until my death.”